Digital Screen on Ahmedabad Airport


Used For
Ad Type
Lead Time (in days)
10 days
Video ads will be played on the digital screens(operational for 22 hours from 4 am to 2 am) placed at different locations. Loop Time of the screens are:15 Sec ad will be played after every 4 minutes(total 330 times a day) on the digital screen placed at the Terminal 1 Domestic Check-In Counter, Terminal 3 International Departure, Terminal 3 International Arrival, Terminal 3 Domestic Departure, Terminal 3 Domestic Arrival, Terminal 3 Domestic Departure Boarding Gates. 10-sec ad will be played after every 2 minutes(total 660 times a day) on the digital screen placed at the Terminal 1 Domestic Arrival. 10-sec ad will be played after every 3 minutes(total 440 times a day) on the digital screen placed at the Terminal 2 Domestic Departure + Arrival. 10-sec ad will be played after every 90 sec(total 880 times a day) on the digital screen placed at the Terminal 1 Domestic Arrival Baggage Belts
Rack Rate
₹ 44,000 / Per Package Per Day
TMA Offer